Turkey and the Black Sea Coast WG presented smart energy technologies and products from JASE-W member companies at the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey, with the honorable attendance of H.E. Ambassador Mercan and Economic Affairs Counsellor Mr Bosuter et al. His Excellency has abundant background on energy policy in Turkey as his career of the former deputy energy minister and showed great interest in these technologies by giving sound advice and comments, and expressed H.E. and the Embassy's utmost cooperation to the activities of the WG and the business mission in the future.
Date: November 5, 2020
Venue: Meeting Room in the Ambassador's Residence of the Turkish Embassy in Japan
(Turkish side) H.E. Ambassador Merjan, Counselor in charge of economy Mr Bosuter et al, Secretary of the Ambassador
(Japanese side) Head of Turkey and the Black Sea Coast WG, Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. , Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Yokogawa Electric Co., Ltd., Nippon Steel Engineering Co., Ltd., Secretary General of JASE-W.