On Wednesday November 27, the Japan-India Energy Conservation and CO2 Emission Reduction Business Forum was held in Chennai, India, under the support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), JICA, the Tamil Nadu State Government (FaMeTN) and the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chennai. The event was designed to introduce highly efficient energy-saving and CO2 emission reduction technologies and equipment utilizing natural gas, as well as other energy-saving and CO2 emission reduction solutions, and to promote exchanges with local companies and other potential customers through individual company booth exhibits and networking to introduce and deploy Japanese products and technologies.
The event was held only at the actual venue in order to promote exchanges, and a total of about 130 people, 70-plus participants including Tamil Nadu government officials, 40 people from 10 presenting companies and about 20 people from the organizers, gathered for plenary presentations and individual meetings. The majority of the participants and presenting companies evaluated the event as a good opportunity to gain a foothold for future business development and for searching potential business partners.