2014 Missions & Business Forums
East Africa Mission(Geothermal Power Generation WG)
Based upon the feasibility study of waste to energy projects in Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Waste to Energy working group focused their target in Turkey which has high possibility of waste to energy projects. They dispatched a mission to Turkey in order to explore the partners for realizing their projects and carry out further feasibility investigations. They visited central governments having the important role of development and institutional design of legal systems, such as Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (MoEU), Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources ( MoENR). Also they held workshop in Adana and Izmir, they introduced Japanese advanced technologies and operation of waste to energy to local municipalities and waste disposers.
Date: 9th – 16th November, 2014
Visited:Embassy of Japan, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization(MoEU), Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources ( MoENR), The Turkey Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey(ISPAT), Adana Chamber of Industries, City mayor of Adana, landfill site in Izmir
Participants:(from Japan)Hitachi Zosen(Head of Waste to Energy WG), JGC Corporation, Ex Research Institute, Toyota Tsusho, Clean Authority of Tokyo 23 cities, Secretariat of JASE-W, Yokogawa Electric(from Turkey) total 7 people

Russia Mission (Energy Saving Solution WG, Public-Private Cooperation WG)
Russia SWG of Energy saving Solution WG and Public-Private Cooperation WG dispatched a mission to Moscow in order to meet Vice Chairman of Gazprom and president of Gazprom Export to discuss the Super ESCO scheme which suggests replacing their old facilities to Japanese high efficiency power generation facilities. Also they visited Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), counter partner of JASE-W, and explained current situation and future support.
Date: 12th – 15th November, 2014
Visited:Gazprom, JBIC Moscow, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Sumitomo Corporation Russia, RDIF
Mission members
(from Japan):International Affair Office, Energy Conservation and renewable Energy Dept. Agency for Natural resources and Energy, Minister of Economy, trade and Industries, Toyo Engineering (leader of Russia SWG), Sumitomo Corporation (head of Public-Private Cooperation WG)
(from Russia)Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Yokogawa Electric Corporation, total 8 people
South Africa Mission (Energy Saving Solution WG, Public-Private Cooperation WG)
JASE-W participated in the energy solution mission organized by JETRO in order to explore the energy saving business in the Republic of South Africa. They visited the Department of Energy, the Department of Trade and Industry as well as government affiliate organizations and energy-intensive industries. They also held the workshop at Johannesburg at which the participating companies and organization introduced their own energy saving technologies and products. In South Africa, the electricity tariff is getting higher and people has a strong conscious of energy saving and they had much interest of “Japanese Smart Energy Products and Technologies”.
Date: 8th – 16th November, 2014
Visited:Government and government affiliate organizations, power generation plants, aluminum smelting, mine(cokes, gold), cement, fertilizer, sugar, seafood processing and dairy plants Mission members from JASE-W:Toyota Tsusho and secretariat

Brazil Mission(Latin America SWG of Energy Saving Solution WG)
Latin America SWG of Energy Saving Solution WG dispatched the mission to Brasil and introduced Japanese Smart energy technologies, products
and service at the 11th Congresso Brasileiro de Efficiencies Energética (COBEE) hosted by Brazilian Association of Energy Conservation Service(ABESCO), held from 21th to 22nd, July at Sao Paulo.
JASE-W concluded MOU for the future cooperation of ESCO business with ABESCO. And also they visited the city of Maringa and Londrina in Parana states, had meetings to explore the Energy Saving
Date: July 19th -27th, July
Visited:COBEE, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, University of
UNICESUMAR, Association of Commerce and Industry of Maringa, Yoshii Construction(Londrina city), SERCOMTEL, City Government of Londrina, Association of Commerce and Industry of
Participants Mayekawa MFG (Leader of Latin America SWG), Asahi
Glass, Ernest & Young Advisory, Secretariat of JASE-W
Participation of only seminar of COBEE: Daikin McQuay AR Conditionado Brasil

India Public-Private joint Mission(Public-Private Cooperation WG, Solar Power Generation WG, Waste to Energy WG)
Based upon the discussion at Japan India Public Private Roundtable on Renewable Energy held in this January, JASE-W dispatched the mission focused on storage battery (including demand response technology), concentrated solar power (CSP) generation, and waste to energy (WtE) power generation as well as the financial scheme to promote these Japanese state-of-the-art technologies into Indian market. They visited main Indian State Governments (Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradish, Gujarat) and municipal corporations in these States. On the last day, Agency for Natural Recourses and Energy officials and the delegation visited the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) at Delhi, and proposed a new scheme for the promotion of the technologies and exchanged ideas for the further discussion.
Date: 20th-26th July, 2014
Visited:Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA), Municipal Corporations of Chennai, State Government of Andhra Pradish, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporations, Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA), Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Indian Renewable Energy development Agency limited (IREDA)
Participants : Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Head of Public and Private Cooperation Working Group (Sumitomo Corporation), Leader of CSP Sub-Working Group under Solar Power Generation WG (MITSUI Engineering & Shipbuilding), Waste to Energy WG (Hitachi Zosen Corporation), Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, NGK Insulators, Secretariat of JASE-W.

Vietnam Reseach (Energy Saving Solution WG)
Based on the findings of a “Vietnam financial investigation” conducted this February, Vietnam SWG of Energy Saving Solution WG sent a pre-mission to Vietnam in order to construct the partnership with local ESCO companies. They agreed to cooperate on promotion the spread of Japanese smart energy technologies and products as well as hosting a business seminar in Vietnam. Also the financial circumstances in Vietnam were surveyed through the interview with Japanese-affiliated financial companies in Ho Chi Minh
Date: May 13th~13th, 2014
Visited:Visited: Energy Conservation Center, Ho Chi Minh(ECC-HCMC)/VietESCO, Enerteam, Branch of Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Mitsubishi UFJ lease & Finance HCMC representatives, JICA liaison office
Brazil mission(Energy Saving Solution WG)
Latin American SWG of Energy saving solution WG dispatched Mr Kise, of Mayekawaka MFG. Co. Ltd., leader of SWG to the Japan-Brazil governmental Smart Community Workshop in Brasilia on 6th. May. JASE-W members made a presentation of Energy Efficient Technologies and products, Energy solution technologies, and Energy Policy of Japan, as requested by the government. He also visited the Brazil ESCO Association (ABESCO) in Sao Paulo and had a meeting of workshop in Brazil Congress and Expo of Efficient Energy (COBEE) in this July and discuss the cooperative structure.
Date: 4th~10th May, 2014
Visited:(Brasilia)Japan-Brazil governmental Smart Community Workshop (Sao Paulo)ABESCO, JETRO, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Brazil Participants of Japan-Brazil governmental Smart Community
Workshop:(from Japan)State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI), Director of International Affairs Office Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Dept. Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of METI, Director of Latin America and Caribbean Office, Trade Policy Bureau(METI), Mayekawa MFG Co. Ltd. the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (from Brazil): Minister of development, Industry and Commercial Trade:MDICE), Minister of Mines and Energy (MME), National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL)

World Future Energy Summit2014 (WFES2014)
JASE-W participated in the Japan Pavilion of World Future Energy Summit2014 (WFES2014) held in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Mr. Fuji, Chief Vice Chairman of JASE-W, made presentations of Japanese energy efficiency technological edge at the Energy Efficiency Industry session of Conference as a panelist and TECH TALK which held firstly this year. In the JASE-W booth in collaboration with JCCME (Japan Cooperation Center for Middle East), our members displayed Panels and demonstration equipments, and made presentations of their own energy efficient products and technologies. It was very beneficial for our participants as business matching opportunities. Many government related people including Mr. Motegi, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, have attended as well as last year.

DATE: Jan.20-22, 2014
Venue : Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre Booth space:42m2 , next to the booth of JCCME(Japan Cooperation Center of the Middle East), total 96m2 Visiters:28,014 Exhibitors & 650 companies & organization. In the Middle East countries, Japanese cutting edge technologies are highly appreciated and a book of “Japanese Smart Energy products and technologies” was extremely popular in our booth. Many educational people such as students of University and Institutes of technologies, consultants and government related people visited our booth and paid attention to Japanese energy efficient technologies as well as JASE-W. Participants: Chiyoda Corporation, Cosmo Oil Co, Ltd., JFE Engineering Corporation, JGC Corporation, Hitachi Zosen Corporation, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Sharp Corporation, Toshiba Mitsubishi-Electric Industrial Systems Corporation, Japan International Cooperation Center, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation, Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technology Center of Japan.
Japan India Public Private Roundtable on Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Working Group under Japan India Energy Dialogue mission (Public Private Cooperatio
JASE-W joined Japan-India Public Private Roundtable on Renewable Energy . On 12th January, we reported Japanese technologies’ superiority of the fields of the solar power generation, waste to energy, energy storage technologies, those study examples in India, and business issues such as financial scheme. And also we proposed to establish the Japan India Fund and to introduce the finance scheme for enhancement of investment. We emphasized energy storage technologies are essential for the promotion of renewable energy, introducing the best practice of ESCO scheme in USA. At the Energy Efficiency Working Group on 15th January, after the explanation of energy policy of each countries, we reported the progress of co-study of energy policy and JASE-W members presented their own energy saving technologies and products.
Date: January 12th & 15th, 2014
Venue:India New Deli Habitat Center
- Japan side: Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry, Leader of Public Private Cooperation WG, leader of Solar thermal SWG, EX Research Institute Ltd., Toyota Tsusho Corporation ( Waste to Energy SWG), Secretariat of JASE-W.
- India side: Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Minister of Power, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, CII, Energy Institutes, and Steel & Iron, Cement, Financial related companies.