Ethiopia Mission (Geothermal Power Generation WG) November 2nd-6th,2015 Ethiopia is located in the great lift valley and have good geothermal power generation resources as well as water resources. Recently geothermal is noticed as the efficient renewable energy resources by their own in the high demand of electric power of Africa Following up the last November’s workshop, Geothermal Generation Power WG dispatched a mission and held work shop. They proposed not only Japanese technologies but also scheme and practical accomplishment of Japan conducted for geothermal development. Mr. Yokota, Minister Counselor of Japanese Embassy of Ethiopia, made a speech and Director General of Geothermal Survey of Ethiopia showed their enthusiasm of geothermal development.
Date:4th November, 2015 Venue :Jupiter Hotel in Addis Ababa
Member:Officer of Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Head of Geothermal power generation WG(FUJI Electric), Nippon Koei, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, secretariat of JASE-W, and Mitsubishi cooperation, Itochu, Nippon Koei from local offices.