Public Private Partnership WG have participated in the seminar, titled “Role of Innovative Technologies and Solutions to Develop Resilient Smart Communities”, hosted by Asia Development Bank (ADB) at Manila, Philippines. ADB invited governmental officers, companies and think tankers from Asian counties and conveyed the session and presented their funding program through roundtable discussions and seminars. The purpose of this mission is the research of finance program of ADB and hearing and exchanging information regarding Green Climate Fund (GCF) since ADB is an implementing agency for them in Asia. More than 130 peoples participated not only from Japan, but also from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and western countries in the forum JASE-W had a meeting with a specialist of ADB and discussed the possibility of utilizing the fund of GCF regarding geothermal power development of the Pacific Islands countries.
Partnership Forum: Innovation for Resilient and Smart Communities
Date:18th - 21st May , 2015
Venue: Asia Developping Bank Conference Room Interviewed:Specialists at South Asia dept., Pacific Dept. and Regional and Sustainable Development Dept. in Asia Development Bank Member: Head of Public private cooperation WG, Secretariat