Latin American SWG of Energy saving solution WG dispatched Mr Kise, of Mayekawaka MFG. Co. Ltd., leader of SWG to the Japan-Brazil governmental Smart Community Workshop in Brasilia on 6th. May. JASE-W members made a presentation of Energy Efficient Technologies and products, Energy solution technologies, and Energy Policy of Japan, as requested by the government. He also visited the Brazil ESCO Association (ABESCO) in Sao Paulo and had a meeting of workshop in Brazil Congress and Expo of Efficient Energy (COBEE) in this July and discuss the cooperative structure.
Date: 4th~10th May, 2014
Visited:(Brasilia)Japan-Brazil governmental Smart Community Workshop (Sao Paulo)ABESCO, JETRO, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Brazil Participants of Japan-Brazil governmental Smart Community
Workshop:(from Japan)State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI), Director of International Affairs Office Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Dept. Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of METI, Director of Latin America and Caribbean Office, Trade Policy Bureau(METI), Mayekawa MFG Co. Ltd. the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (from Brazil): Minister of development, Industry and Commercial Trade:MDICE), Minister of Mines and Energy (MME), National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL)