Geothermal Power Generation WG dispatched a pre-mission to Guatemala, Colombia and Peru in September 2012 to explore the target country for a new geothermal power generation project. As a result, they selected Peru as a target country, and dispatched a public and private mission to Peru with cooperation of JASE-W members’ regional offices. The mission visited ELECTROPERU, the Ministry of Energy and Mining, JICA, JETRO and local government in Tacna Region, etc. An expert from the Ministry of Energy and Mining took them to Calientes (altitude 4400m) and Borateras (altitude 4400m-4500m) as potential sites for geothermal power generation plants.
Date: Mar.6 - Mar.17, 2013
Visited: Ministry of Energy and Mining, ELECTROPERU, JICA, JETRO, Ministry of Environment, Governor of Candarave Province and local officers of Tacna region.
Participants:(from Japan) an Assistant director of International Affairs Office Energy and Renewable Energy Dept Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of METI, experts from Fuji Electric Co., Ltd., Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., and Secretariat of JASE-W (from local offices) ITOCHU Corporation Oficina de Representacion en el Peru, NIPPON KOEI LAC, Yokogawa America do Sul Ltda., Toshiba International Corporation Sucursal de Colombia